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The Tabs component provides a way to organize content into different sections that can be accessed one at a time. It follows WAI-ARIA guidelines and includes full keyboard support and proper ARIA attributes.

When to use

Use the Tabs component when you need to:

  • Organize related content into sections
  • Switch between different views
  • Present form sections
  • Display product details
  • Show settings panels
  • Structure dashboard sections


The Tabs component consists of four parts: the container, list wrapper, individual tabs, and their corresponding panels.

import { Tabs, TabsList, TabsTab, TabsPanel } from 'accessible-astro-components'
<TabsTab id="tab1" controls="panel1" selected>First tab</TabsTab>
<TabsTab id="tab2" controls="panel2">Second tab</TabsTab>
<TabsTab id="tab3" controls="panel3">Third tab</TabsTab>
<TabsPanel id="panel1" labelledby="tab1" selected>
<h2>First panel</h2>
<p>Content for first panel</p>
<TabsPanel id="panel2" labelledby="tab2">
<h2>Second panel</h2>
<p>Content for second panel</p>
<TabsPanel id="panel3" labelledby="tab3">
<h2>Third panel</h2>
<p>Content for third panel</p>


Each component in the Tabs system accepts specific props:


classstring''Additional CSS classes to apply


classstring''Additional CSS classes to apply


idstringRequiredUnique identifier for the tab
controlsstringRequiredID of the panel this tab controls
selectedbooleanfalseWhether this tab is initially selected
classstring''Additional CSS classes to apply


idstringRequiredUnique identifier for the panel
labelledbystringRequiredID of the tab that labels this panel
selectedbooleanfalseWhether this panel is initially visible
classstring''Additional CSS classes to apply


Accessibility isn’t an afterthought - it’s built into the core of this component through semantic HTML elements and proper ARIA attributes. The Tabs component is built with accessibility in mind:

  • Proper ARIA roles (tablist, tab, tabpanel)
  • Keyboard navigation:
    • Left/Right arrows to move between tabs
    • Tab/Shift+Tab for focus management
  • Clear focus indicators
  • Proper ARIA states (aria-selected, aria-controls, aria-labelledby)
  • Semantic HTML structure
  • Proper focus management
  • Smooth transitions (respecting reduced-motion preferences)


Make the Tabs component your own while maintaining its accessibility features.

/* Option 1: Using :global() in your style block */
:global(.tab) {
flex-grow: 1;
padding-block: 0.75rem;
padding-inline: 1rem;
border: 2px solid;
border-radius: 0.5rem;
border-color: light-dark(hsl(215 25% 27%), hsl(215 25% 89%));
background-color: transparent;
color: inherit;
font-weight: 700;
cursor: pointer;
:global(.tab:focus-visible) {
color: light-dark(hsl(0 0% 100%), hsl(215 25% 27%));
background-color: light-dark(hsl(215 25% 27%), hsl(215 25% 89%));
:global(.tab-panel) {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
min-block-size: 10rem;
padding: 2rem;
border: 2px solid;
border-color: light-dark(hsl(215 25% 27%), hsl(215 25% 89%));
border-end-end-radius: 0.5rem;
border-end-start-radius: 0.5rem;
/* Option 2: Using is:global on the style tag */
<style is:global>
.tab {
/* Same as above */
.tab:focus-visible {
/* Same as above */
.tab-panel {
/* Same as above */

Interactive example

First panel

Try using the arrow keys to navigate between tabs!